Monday, 12 May 2008


As long as someone [David Ciapetti, S.Donato in Fronzano (da leggere con tipico accento inglese), ndr] doesn't know how to post a comment but he really would like to have the chance to post one, here it follows a short manual "How to post a comment in 5 easy steps", presented by Troy MccLure

1- Easly click once on "Comments"

2- Write your own comment in the white square up on the right

3a-Write your own account in the appropriate little square with your own password (only for expert users)

3b-Select on anonimous in the "Choose an identity" menu if you don't have an own account

4- Write down the "verification word"

5- Click on "Publish your comment"

Se non scrivi almeno "Prova 1 2 3 prova" la prossima volta metto la tua foto accanto a quella di Schifani sostenendo che siete spiccicati.


Anonymous said...

I'm very honoured that you dedicate me 2 posts, i really want to thank you, dud.... now i become a very important person, and it's all your fault, people will stop me and ask me a signature....thank you. i read that your blog is in the list of the 10 most influence blog in the world, close to the blog of beppe grillo, not bad, dud, not bad at all. bye bye.
ps try to be less predictable, dud...

Anonymous said...

grande pietrino.....mi sò proprio divertito a vedere questa presentazioe di troy mcclure!!ora mi chiedo.....sarà stata la tua presentazione ad illuminarlo o la paura di essere affiancato a schifani???sentiamo cosa ne pensa il diretto interesato(sempre che ancora riesca a parlare dopo la serata di sabato!!!)

Luna said...

pietrooooo I didn't understand... can you explain again?

Luna said...

ps - and the first post is a lie: MY BLOG is the one in the 10 best blogs in the world and in the solar system and also in the all differenceeee... yesterday I even spoke with ET and he told me:

and then he sad:
"ET call home, ET call home!!"

pietro said...

Oh, this is just an opinion..who the hell is E.T. to say that. I do think you invented the story about E.T., and the evidence is that you make him speak english but we clearly see in the movie that he is only able to say "call home" no, your story makes water from every part..

Anonymous said...

your story makes water from every part

bellissimo! geniale!

Pietro, leggere il tuo toscano tradotto alla lettera in inglese mi fa morire dal ridere.
Sei un mito. continua così ^__^
